Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fact vs. Opinion

I read a great book called "Broken Song".  It is a story about a boy named Reuven Bloom, that lived in Russia around 1897. He suffered many hardships because he was Jewish. His family was murdered and only his baby sister survived with him. At 15 years old he had to care for his sister alone, and try to escape from the persecution. While Reuven is a fictional character, the things that he suffered really did happen to the Jews in Russia. The book's author, Kathryn Lasky's grandparents had a similar story to that of Reuven. I learned that the "opinion" of most Russians during that time period was that "Jews were a lower life form." But the fact is Reuven and his family were regular people like the rest of Russia.

Table of Contents

Post #1- What Are Civil Rights - Posted on February 13, 2011
Post #2-  Presidents Day - Posted on February 22, 2011
Post #3-  Rosa Parks - Posted February 27, 2011
Post #4-  World War II - Posted March 7, 2011
Post #5-  Children's March - Posted March 15, 2011
Post #6-  A Woman's Right To Vote - Posted March 15, 2011
Post #7-  Terror In America on 9-11 - Posted March 15, 2011
Post #8-  Facts vs. Opinion - Posted on March 15, 2011
Summary- Posted March 15, 2011


Rosa Parks, Preston Gunnell, Martin Luther King Jr, Susan B. Anthony, George Washington, and The Hero's of 9-11. All of these extraordinary people have had one thing in common, they all stood for something important. Whether it's the right to sit down on a bus, or the right to worship the religion you choose, or simply dying because your country was under attack, they all fought for the freedom we have today. They all had a destiny that they were born to do. Freedom doesn't come free. Its time to heal the world!

Terror In America On 9-11

I was very little when our nation came under attack. I was only 4 years old when my mommy went and turned on the TV. I saw a building collapse and I looked at my mom and grandma and they started to cry. I was really confused at the time. I've grown up with this story and the war between America and Iraq. I've grown up with the reality that there are creepers who want to see America and her people perish. I just think they are jealous of all that we have here in our country.

One of the bravest acts of courage I have ever heard of is about how the people on flight 93 decided to fight back and help save their country. They knew that they where about to lose their lives, but they saved thousands of peoples lives by crashing the plane in a field. They had the courage to fight those stupid terrorists and they had courage to die for their land. This is an amazing article about the people who died on flight 93

 Thank you to all the soldiers who fought in Iraq. We will ALWAYS remember you.

A Woman's Right to Vote

19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Women's Right to Vote

This piece of paper, the 19th Amendment, finally gave women the same rights that men always had, the right for their voice to be heard. It took hundreds of years to get to this point; in August 1920. There were many women who fought for equality. Susan B Anthony is one of the most remembered for her work helping women achieve equal rights.

    As I was reading about Susan's life and work I came across this paragraph. I love what she titled her newspaper. "In 1866 Anthony and Stanton founded the American Equal Rights Association and in 1868 they started publishing the newspaper The Revolution in Rochester, with the masthead "Men their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less," and the aim of establishing "justice for all."
     Anthony did many things to help women get the rights we have today. For 37 consecutive years she went to congress appealing for suffrage rights for women. She fought for women to own their own property, and my favorite is that she wore the "bloomer costume" for over a year trying to convince the world that women didn't always need to be in a dress. You can read more about her by following this link

Children's March

"They marched for freedom, not because someone told them to." I just made that quote up, but still, its true. When Martin Luther King Jr., got out of jail he told the blacks that they should march for freedom and that they would probably go to jail. He said for those who wanted to help to stand up. No one stood up. Then all the children stood up! Every single one! Even the kids wanted equal rights just like the adults. On May 2, 1963 the children marched through the streets of Birmingham, Alabama facing angry police, vicious dogs, a very powerful fire hose, being arrested and some were even beaten. Wow, this is sad and just because of the color of their skin. Would you have had the courage to do what they did?

Monday, March 7, 2011

World War II

Hitler. This one word is so dark and cruel, I think we all know why. He hated the Jews, and he killed them just because of their religion and beliefs. A big war started because of Hitler. Many, many, lives were lost during that war. I have a story for you. It's about my great grandfather who survived in World War II.
Preston Gunnell was a Confidence Man during WWII.  He was captured by the Germans in Africa and was a prisoner of war. His job was to settle disputes between the German officers and American Soldiers. He saved the soldier's lives one day. They put too many prisoners in a small room to work. The prisoners went on strike. The Germans were lining all the soldiers up to shoot them. The German officer put a gun to my great grandfather's face, demanding him to do something. My great grandfather figured out in metrics the size of the room and that it violated the Geneva Code. He told the German officer this. They put down their guns and set them free.  My Great Grandpa is a true hero.